Tag Archive | First they came

First They Came…

I started my blog six years ago. Back then, September 2012, I was adamant about focusing only on the topics of reading, writing and spirituality. I was definitely not going to write or entertain any posts on the subjects of religion, sex or politics. And for the most part I’ve been true to my mission. However, you may have noticed that I have not posted a new article since December 2017. I hear you saying, “Yeah, we noticed. What’s going on, Ann?” My answer in short…politics, one of the subjects I dearly wanted to avoid. But I no longer have that luxury. America is in crisis, and it has everything to do with the new Hitler regime that is currently in place.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmund Burke-

I consider myself a good person. I work and contribute to society. I vote and pay taxes. I observe most of the laws (okay, so I have had a few warnings about my speed) and I donate to the less fortunate. But I read, and from my readings I know that many good people allowed Hitler to rise. I know good people allowed him to threaten, destroy and kill. I recognize the evil that has befallen this country, and I refuse to be one of those good people who allows evil to persist. Therefore, for the past six months, I have concentrated my time and efforts on signing petitions, calling my elected officials, writing my representatives, and speaking out. And last but not least, praying, always praying. I must continue these efforts and even escalate them, even at the cost of neglecting my blog and the wonderful blogging community I have come to appreciate and adore. I will continue this fight until democracy is restored in America.

“First They Came” by Martin Niemoller
