Tag Archive | Amazon

New (to me) Author Profile

It’s always exciting to meet a new author (new to me anyway) who lives in my vicinity and writes in the same genre (well, almost) as I do. Now you can meet him too…

James Reid

James Reid, Author

I met James Reid through a local writers group – the Writers Guild of Texas, where we are both members. I didn’t know initially we were in the same group because I don’t attend every meeting even though I should given the interesting and educational workshops they conduct. So when I finally attended a meeting (ah-hem!) and met James, we chatted and decided the value of a good writers group is well, invaluable. James followed up our brief discussion of “the value of a good writers group” with a blog post that I found wonderfully affirming.

Please take a moment to cyber-travel to his site and read what he has to say. And when you’re done, hyperlink to Amazon and check out his five-star rated murder mystery, Monsters Behind the Gates. I read it and wow!, two thumbs up.

Summer Reading Underway

Summer Reading 2017

It’s summer! A belated, yet no less warm (no pun intended) welcome to a more relaxed time, a time when reading figures more prominently in the schedule. At least for me it does and I attribute that to a lighter work load, but mostly to that glorious week called summer vacation. During that wonderful week of disconnecting from the daily grind of life, I have been known to finish up to three books (mostly fiction, 300 pages or less). So in anticipation of my summer vacation (and the reading I’ll do before and after that), I compiled my reading list, ordered my books, and have them neatly stacked, waiting on me. Take a look below at my “goodies” and let me know how your list compares. I’m always on the lookout for great reads (thanks Shamira for last year’s referral!).

Ann’s Summer Reading List – 2017

The Island of Lost Children by Kim Batchelor – A tale that reimagines (who introduced this word into our current language?) the friendship between Peter Pan, the lovable boy who flies and Wendy, the lovable girl who cherishes books. A favorite for adults and children!

The Roux in the Gumbo by Kim Robinson – A multi-generational family saga that traces the lineage of a Louisiana family from slavery to present day. Reminiscent of “Roots” and “Cane River,” it is a long read but quite entertaining.

The Writer and the Rake by Shehanne Moore – A love story that is no doubt all the title promises it to be. A time-traveling, wanna-be bestselling author changes a gentleman of dubious character into a hero. Or does she? Hmmmm, I already feel heat rising from this one.

Shadow of the Final Storm by Carol Craver – This is a story of family intrigue narrated by a ghost. Yes, a ghost! Think “The Lovely Bones” and you’re almost there. There’s no time like summer to prepare for Halloween!

Letters to Yeyito by Paquito d’Rivera – As a nod to my upcoming vacation locale, I am anxious to read about one of Cuba’s most legendary musician, Paquito d’Rivera. In this abbreviated memoir, he writes about music, career, expulsion from Cuba and life in America. I have a feeling this one is going to be a keepsake.

American Dervish by Ayad Akhtar – To get a jump on my fall reading, I’ll finish my summer reading with our book group’s selection for September. This book tells the story of a Pakistani boy growing up in America with struggles that center around identity and religion.

So again, how does your summer reading list compare? What other titles would you recommend?

Happy summer! Happy reading!

PS: During the time it took to create and post this entry, I finished the first two books on my reading list. Please check Amazon and Goodreads for the reviews I wrote about the books.

New Year, New Book

It feels good to start the new year with an accomplishment and that’s exactly what the release of “Voices from the Block” is…a major accomplishment.




I was heavily involved, along with three other writers, in bringing volume two of “Voices” to life, and I can honestly say that even with my first self published book in 2013 (with a high learning curve to overcome) I never encountered so many delays and production issues. It’s like Mercury Retrograde shadowed this book its entire twelve months of production. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. But, finally, it is here!

Like volume one, volume two of “Voices from the Block” is a compilation book of poems, short stories, creative non-fiction essays and for the first time ever – fiction starts. “What is a fiction start?” you ask. A fiction start is a way for an aspiring author to showcase a work in progress by publishing the first few scenes of their fiction novel in an anthology. This allows the author to garner readers and build interest in the story even while it is in the draft stage. Basically, it’s a tease!

In this volume of “Voices,” readers will encounter four new writers, all members of the Writers’ Block. As well, three veteran writers/members have returned to put their stamp on the project. In spite of the production issues, I am extremely proud of this collection. As Toyette, one of the co-authors in this work said, “It just keeps getting better and better,” and I couldn’t agree more. There are some really strong pieces in this anthology and the feedback from early readers has been amazing. If you’d like to check out the first few pages of the book and judge for yourself, click on one of the links below.



In March, I plan to spotlight some of the writers whose works appear in this anthology. Please stay tuned to learn how they kept the vision alive. And now…on to the next goal of 2017–write, write, write!

Hear Carol Roar!

I am continuing the Women’s History Month celebration by sharing an article written by Carol Balawyder.

Carol Balawyder

Carol is a fiction and non-fiction author who writes about things that matter to her such as justice, mid-life dating, grief and writing workshops. She also publishes several blog series: How I Got Published, Femme Fatale, Nobel Prize Laureates, Writers’ Desks and Ten Great First Dates. Her recent book-length works, Getting to Mr. Right and Missi’s Dating Adventures are receiving starred and high-praise reviews from readers. I know this reader (me!) personally enjoyed both books and can’t read more from this talented lady.

When I asked Carol which woman or female writer had the greatest influence on her literary career, she, like so many others, had a list yea-long. But after much thought, she settled on one person. Read on to learn about her greatest influencer…

Sara Paretsky

Sara Paretsky

Honoring a History Maker

by Carol Balawyder

There are so many women writers who have inspired me and from whom I’ve taken something and applied to my own collage of writing. They range from Jacqueline Susann to Nobel Prize Laureates. But no writer, whether male or female, has had such an impact on my choice to write crime fiction than Sara Paretsky.

In 2011 Paretsky was named Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America. She is the recipient of many awards, including the prestigious Cartier Diamond Dagger Award for lifetime achievement from the British Crime Writers’ Association. She is also considered the founding mother of Sisters in Crime, an organization which supports and promotes women in the mystery field.

Traditionally in noir fiction, women were either helpless sex symbols tempting the man (usually a detective) into illicit behavior or they were portrayed as cold and selfish. However, through her V.I Warshawski private investigator, Paretsky transformed the role and image of women in noir fiction.

V.I. Warshawski is no helpless femme fatale. Nor does she fit into the Chandleresque female role of vixen, vamp or victim. Warshawski is a woman who isn’t defined by sexuality and needs no rescuing.

She is physically tough but no bully. Courageous and yet self-doubting. She is introspective and has a strong moral conscience. Warshawski is smart and well-educated, having attended university on an athletic scholarship to earn a law degree and worked in the Public Defender’s office before becoming a private investigator.

Sara Paretsky created the first credible female investigator in American crime fiction –  a feminist detective with high ideals. One who is concerned about the effects of racism, classism and sexism. She is out to right social wrongs most often found in the crook and crannies of white-collar crime. Paretsky, through her sixteen bestselling V.I. novels (and still writing), has made it her mission to speak for those in society’s margins who are underheard.

For that, I believe, she merits honor in Women’s History Month.

References: (http://scholars.wlu.ca/etd/3/)



Thank you Carol for sharing your thoughts on women history makers, and specifically Sara Paretsky. I had no idea Paretsky challenged the noir crime fiction status and thereby changed the genre for all times. Good for her; good for us, women; and good for the world.

If you want to learn more about Sara Paretsky, visit her website by clicking here. To learn more about Carol, visit her website here.

From Me to You…Happy Birthday!

On September 2-3, I celebrate my new year! …the start of another year of living and learning.

I am so excited about what the next twelve months will unwrap for me that I’ve decided to share my excitement in an unusual way. Instead of receiving birthday gifts, I plan to give gifts.

For one day only, on September 2-3,  the ebook version of “Fuller’s Curse” will be free on Amazon.

Fullers Curse Front Cover Promo

To claim your free gift, simply go to www.Amazon.com, access the ebook version of “Fuller’s Curse,” click download, then select your method of delivery. Just four steps to my birthday gift to you!

Happy birthday to me!

Restrictions: One ebook per reader. Promotion runs for one 24-hour period. Cake and ice cream not included!

Summer Reading & Book Reviews

I don’t know about you but for me summer and reading go together like salt and pepper, bacon and eggs, animals and Dr. Seuss–you get the picture. So I thought I would share some of the books I’ve downloaded to my Kindle and/or purchased so I can enjoy a well-stocked supply of reading material for the beach and travel, which I’m planning a lot of this summer.

Person reading a book on the beach

The books are not listed in any order, but I encourage you to check them out. I’ve interacted with some of these authors and know their writing and storytelling ability to be “spot on.” For other authors on the list, I’m planning to finish the series/trilogy or read the latest by some of my favorite writers. Feel free to monitor my Goodreads and Amazon accounts for my review of some of the books; the reviews may help you plan your own summer reading. If you already have a summer reading list, I’d love to acquire a copy of it. I always make time for a good read!*

Happy Summer & Happy Reading!

1. Missi’s Dating Adventures by Carol Balawyder

2. No Conditions by Dr. ViVi Monroe Congress

3. Voices from the Block:  A Legacy of African-American Literature by various authors (anthology)

4. Dark Justice by Donnie Light

5. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson

6. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

7. A Dangerous Kiss by Francis Ray

8. Hell’s Corner by David Baldacci

9. The Haunted House Symphony by Sue Latham

10. Reserved for a referral*

Naming Rights Contest

In April 2013, the Naming Rights contest kicked off. This was a contest aimed at securing book reviews for Fuller’s Curse. In exchange for a written review published on any book review site, one lucky reviewer would win the opportunity to work with me to name a future character(s).

The contest dates ranged from April 23 to October 23 (six months) with the winner announced on October 28. Well folks, today is that day so drumroll please….

Elizabeth Klein

…you are the winner!

I’ll be contacting Elizabeth soon to discuss one character in Trémont’s Curse (book two of the Curse series). After our initial conversation, she’ll receive a character analysis sheet and then the fun part for her begins–coming up with names for consideration. We’ll decide on a final name together and then everybody joins in by reading Trémont’s Curse…and guessing which name Elizabeth contributed.

For everyone else who submitted reviews, I can’t thank you enough for your time and effort. I enjoy reading your reviews (yes, I’ve read them several times) on Amazon and Goodreads; they really warm my heart and propel me to keep striving.

Some of you may be wondering why I focused on book reviews for this contest. It’s because book reviews have replaced hand-to-mouth sales (or maybe it’s mouth-to-hand sales, I have already forgotten). If you recall the old days when independent bookstores graced neighborhoods, the sales associates in those stores sold books via hand-to-mouth. Meaning, they would actually put a book in the customer’s hand and talk the book up. Unfortunately, with independent or small bookstores being squeezed out by conglomerates and e-tailers, hand-to-mouth is being replaced by book reviews. Hence, my focus on obtaining book reviews. As is the focus for most authors.

So again, I thank you all, and I believe your reviews helped Fuller’s Curse land in the featured spot on Amazon’s Literature & Fiction bookshelf on October 22.

Sending love and light to all…

Freedom to Read/Write Day

At one time in this country, it was illegal for slaves to read or write. Anyone caught teaching a slave to do so was punished, and the slave too. Punishment ranged from a whipping to dismemberment to death.

As a descendant of slaves, I thank God those laws were overturned. I can’t imagine my life without books or paper (okay, a PC and Word); just thinking the thought makes me ill.

So to celebrate the freedom to read and write, I will observe “Freedom to Read/Write Day” on Thursday, July 4th. I hope you will join me in the celebration by downloading my latest ebook, Fuller’s Curse.

Fullers Curse Front Cover Promo

It will be available for FREE all day on the Fourth of July at Amazon.com. As you’re reading my book (or any book for that matter), I hope you will spare a prayer for those who are still prohibited from learning to read or write. Yes, in this day and age, degrading laws and customs still exist.

Don’t forget…download (to Kindle, PC, or SmartPhone via the Kindle app) Fuller’s Curse for free on July 4th, and enjoy the freedom and pleasure of reading.

Happy “Freedom to Read/Write Day”!



Finally, finally, the print version of my book, Fuller’s Curse is now available.

Yeah! Hand claps! Yippee! Woo-Hoo!

Please visit one of the following etailers or bookstores (physical) to purchase your copy:

Barnes and Noble
Books A Million

My book is priced for every budget and autographs are free! Just come see me at one (or more) of the book signings or appearances listed on the “What’s New?” page on my web site (AnnFields.com) and I’ll be happy to sign your print book. I hope to see you soon and thank you for your interest in my writings.

Love and light to all!

PS: Keep a lookout for the future announcement stating when the Nook, iPad, Sony Reader and Smashwords versions of Fuller’s Curse will be available. Fingers crossed for the end of July!

PSS: Again, my hearty thanks to everyone who has supported me past and present. Words really are inadequate at a time like this when true supporters make themselves known. I love and appreciate you all.

My Twelve-Year-Old Baby will be Born in Eleven Days!

I’m so excited to announce the pending birth of my child–Fuller’s Curse.

Fullers Curse Front Cover Promo

Fuller’s Curse has been twelve years in the making and there isn’t a strong enough word in the English language to describe my joy at its near arrival. After years of writing, rejections, rewriting, rejections, and more rewriting, finally a publishing contract landed on my desk only to be rescinded two months before the publication date. BUT, through it all my baby survived and it’s finally here. Or soon will be.

Fuller’s Curse is a psychological horror story about a family that is cursed. When you think psychological horror think Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Octavia Butler, Tananarive Due and others of that ilk. This is NOT a vampire, werewolf, slasher (i.e.-Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers), monster book. It is horror with intelligence and emotional impact (not that the other categories of horror don’t have these). In fact, at its core, Fuller’s Curse is a simple tale of good versus evil.

Since I had to re-organize my approach two months before publication and since I was dealing with limited human and financial resources, I had to stagger the release of Fuller’s Curse, meaning the ebook comes out first on Amazon (Kindle) on April 23, 2013; the print book follows in May (actual date to be announced but I’m shooting for May 23); and all other ebook formats will be released July 23. The ‘to-do’ list to publish a book is tremendous which is why I really wanted a publisher, a partner to handle the book production while I tackled the marketing, which is more my thing since I have a background in Communications (Marketing, PR, Publications, etc.). Well, obviously God had a different plan and as a mere human being, I’m rolling with His plan.

So, read on for details about my baby and I certainly would appreciate your support in the form of a purchase. I’d also like to read your feedback once you’ve finished reading the book so be sure and write a review, or email feedback to afields121@yahoo.com.

Title: Fuller’s Curse
Author: Ann Fields
Publisher: A New Thing Publishing
Price: $4.99 (US)
Format: Ebook
Publication Date: April 23, 2013
Available: Amazon.com (Kindle store)
Publisher/Author Contact: afields121@yahoo.com

Deborah Fuller-King is a bored homemaker who finds new purpose for her life when she adopts her daughter’s school project—completing the Fuller family tree. In search of her roots, she travels from Dallas to Partway, Texas where in the 1860’s Charles Fuller, a newly-freed African American slave, founded the town that was originally named Fullertown. There, her genealogical research reveals some terrifying information about her family—part fact, part legend. While delving into the facts, hoping to disprove the legend of the BlackHeart, family members begin to die horrible deaths—one by one. Alarmed and frightened, Deborah turns to the one person who knows everything about the family…Mattie Fuller.

Ninety-something-year-old Mattie knows the answers that Deborah seeks, but she’s not ready to share her knowledge with Deborah. Not yet. She could tell Deborah all about the curse that shadows their family, but to share the information would unleash a hellstorm that would destroy the entire Fuller clan. Instead, Mattie confides the only thing that can be done to save the Fullers—a sacrifice so complete that it would free not only the Fullers, but other cursed families.

Does Deborah have the courage to complete the saving act and thereby end the Fuller’s curse?

To celebrate the book’s release, I am offering a free copy of Fuller’s Curse to one lucky reader, regardless of whether you have landed on this page as a result of Discover Authors, site/blog surfing, Amazon, word-of-mouth, etc. To enter the drawing, simply email me at afields121@yahoo.com. In the Subject field, type Discover Authors Giveaway. That’s it. You don’t even need to type anything in the body of the email unless you want to. The drawing will be April 23–the date of the book’s release. The winner will be notified via email. Also, if you’d like to score more free books, visit the Discover Authors web site and browse. There’s all kinds of freebies and giveaways there.

Discover Authors Logo

Again, thank you for your support and next task–buy cigars!